2/06/09This is just a short e-mail to let you know we arrived safely, and have been staying with our Danish friends in Kuala Lumpur. Those of you who know that I am a little time/date challenged will appreciate this one: I gave them the wrong date on which to pick us up, so they made a trip to the airport a day early! It wasn't totally my fault, as the itinerary categorized the arrival time under the heading "February 3", when in actuality the arrival date was Feb 4 due to the time change. So we left Feb 2, and arrived here Feb 4! Oh well; we were forgiven, and we're having a great visit. We spent a day exploring downtown KL, and will do more on another day; we loved "Little India", where there are many textile shops selling colorful silks to be made into dresses and saris. Our plan was to fly from here to Bangkok to begin our extended tour, but we have been talked into going to Bali for a few days first. We will probably leave Tuesday, as Monday is a special Hindu holiday that includes some events we've been told are worth viewing. This keyboard won't let me go back to change the H in Hindu to a capital....So; signing off for now, but expect some more lengthy letters later when there's more to tell. Layne and Jed